Monday, September 14, 2009

Incomplete thoughts...

I love to drink coffee. I love the warmth of it as it goes down my throat. I love that my daughters are incredible coffee makers. Seriously, they can put out a great tasting pot of coffee. I love them.

I love my husband. I love the way he takes care of me. He is my best friend, and I know that is so cliche', but he honestly is. He made me a laptop...he worked on it non-stop for 3 days, just to make it work for me. He knew I would love it. He was right.

I love the sound of the rain outside. I don't like having to get in and out of it all day long. I learned that today. Long day.

I am super excited about going to a conference that we signed up for. I feel kind of grown up just saying that I am going to a conference. Why do I still feel like I am 16 sometimes? Does a 30 year old woman actually admit to "feeling grown up" about something?

My husband came to a conclusion about himself today. One that makes me very proud of him. I still can't believe it but he says it is true and I am going to take him at his word. I know his commitment to God is his highest priority and he says this falls in line with that. Who am I to question? I love him...he is a great man.

I got some hard news over the weekend. It, I'm afraid, is going to shake things up in our lives. Hopefully, it is something that we can all deal with by putting our trust in God. How else do you get through things if you don't? I feel so sorry for the people that don't have that to fall back on. He gives us scripture after scripture to help get us through difficult times. He knew we would need it, a lot. Thank you, Lord, for that. Maybe my next post will be scriptures that bring me comfort. I need quiet time to do that though, so more likely my next post will be about meaningless things like laundry and my love for coffee. I will get to it, though...if for anything else, to remind me of them.

I am reading a book by Max Lucado called Facing Your Giants. This purchase was an impulse buy at Mardel's a month or so ago. Literally, I jumped out of line, ran to the display, grabbed it and put it on the counter. Daniel thought I was crazy, but he knows me well enough to know not to be surprised. How How How, if not for God directly calling me to grab that book, was I to know how much that book would help me out months later? He knew I would need it. He leads me to put the book down so that I will read the next chapter just at the right time, when it will comfort me the most. The pages I read today, would not have affected me the same way had I read them Friday. I love God.

This blog post could not be more random...but that is just how I am feeling right now.

My children are gifts...each one of them brings me something different each day, that sets them apart from each other and makes me love them more and more. How is that even possible?

Good night...

1 comment:

  1. a 40 something year old...I can admit to enjoying grown up things...and I think it's A-o.k. for a 30 yr!
    oh yes...our children are God given gifts.
