Thursday, March 24, 2011

Deep Thoughts to Follow...or maybe not.

Insomnia sucks. 

I think Daniel snores louder when I can't rub it in. 

That is all. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Daniel and I recently watched the movie The Adjustment Bureau, with Matt Damon. (Well, we didn't watch it WITH Matt Damon, although that would have been fun.) It was a very odd movie, full of science fiction/fantasy/spiritual undertones. The idea of the movie was that our lives are constantly monitored by workers in the "adjustment bureau." But, basically angels. And when we make choices that are not on target with the plan made for us by (their version of) God, then the workers (angels) would make little adjustments in our a missed train, or a wrong turn, or forgotten keys. Little things that you don't think matter, but make a big difference because of timing. Matt Damon's character was fighting against the adjustments because he wanted to be with the girl. The girl wasn't in his life's plan. Both characters, in the end, had to decide if they wanted to give up fame and success (the world's idea of) in exchange for being able to be together, get married, live a normal, everyday life...minus the big careers (President of the U.S.) and recognition (world renowned dancer and choreographer.) It's a movie, so of course they chose each other.

This movie had me in tears at the end. It's very similar to what happened to Daniel and I. Some people thought we were crazy to get married so young. "Look at all you will be giving up, you will never have anything, you will never accomplish anything." For those that don't know, when I graduated high school, I had two choices. I could either move to Lubbock with my mother, attend Texas Tech (which was my dream) and go that route OR I could stay in Commerce, move in with my older brother, attend A&M Commerce BUT get to be with Daniel. How could I let a boy dictate important life decisions? Easy. I was in love with him. If I was going to have to make grown up decisions at age 18 then so be it. I made them. I KNOW there are some that were expecting total failure. As far as Daniel, he was going to school at College Station. He had already given that up to be with me. He was miserable there, but some didn't understand why he would choose a girl over A&M College Station. He came back to Commerce to school and got a job unloading milk trucks, working 12 hour shifts with a full school schedule, so that we could be together. Some would call it insanity. We just wanted to be together and did what we had to do to make it happen. I don't care to dream about what I could have accomplised for myself had I gone to school and gotten a degree from Tech. Daniel couldn't care less about being an Aggie. And what have we accomplished? Well, we have four incredible children. Miracles, every one of them. Daniel has a job he LOVES and enjoys that pays enough for me to be able to live out my dream of being a stay at home mom. We own our own home and two vehicles. We are involved in our church, with a church family that we love. Our family is crazy and we have the best time together. We have a marriage that we couldn't ask more from. We are more in love everyday and are closer than we've ever been. Really? Who would call the choices we've made a failure? Lost opportunities? No way! I thank God for the adjustments that have happened in our lives. We may not have important careers, notariety or wealth, but we have many accomplishments that we are very proud of. And that movie we watched, was on our 13th wedding anniversary. Perfect. The song we danced to at our wedding reception was "Me and You" by Kenny Chesney. "Like a perfect scene, from a movie screen, where dreams come true." That's our life, baby!