Sunday, August 23, 2009

First Day of School

Tomorrow is the first day of school. Such a significant day. A fresh start...not just for the children, but for me as a mom. It's a chance to do better, to be a better mom. I hate to be away from the girls everyday for so long, but I will cherish the time it will allow me to spend alone with Mac.

I have found myself thinking of Foster a lot tonight. I'm not sure why. My heart is aching for him. I'm ready to hold him close and love him. I hope he is safe tonight. I hope for so many things for him, but know that for him to find his way to me, those things won't likely happen. That feels like an incredible burden on my soul. How can I hope for him so much when by doing so means he that he has been suffering? I pray that his birth mom will give him up without hurting him.

I use the word "well" too much. Random thought.